link love/words

Friday Finds: 6.16.17

Posted June 16, 2017 by Stephanie

Sliding into the weekend like, WHAT? June is just flying by. There are so many things I want/need to do and I just want to figure out a way to make time go just a little bit slower…


  1. I’m into the archive feature on Insta and the ability to curate without losing posts forever. h/t to Mike for this one!
  2. Not sure what I think about this $300 fasting diet that claims to prolong your life.
  3. This Garfield game looks so bad, I thought it was an April fools joke, but it’s June, so no, it’s real.
  4. I’ve totally noticed that really nice vegetables cost a LOT.
  5. A single twin at twin day.
  6. Social media stars and their secret ghost writers.
  7. Panda Express wants to be just a touch more traditional.
  8. Who knew white skittles could be so controversial?
  9. Icy instant noodle cups, yay or nay?
  10. These baby police puppies are TOO cute!
  11. This unicorn pizza is so wrong. We’ve gone too far people. TOO FAR!
  12. Legit laughed so much at these google translated lyrics (but only the first one).
  13. Wish I could go shopping in this felt bodega and squish all the things.

Link Love:

  1. Spiralized(!) cantaloupe salad.
  2. This avocado toast inspired cake is so beautiful.
  3. Birthday cake blondies because sprinkles make everything extra.
  4. Sous-vide steak forever.
  5. Laid back summer salad.

I’ve got my eyes on you:

  1. Mike and I are thinking of this camp stove. It’s small, portable, and you can use twigs to fuel it.
  2. Kinda digging this stuffable duffle, perfect for leaving in your luggage, then bringing out when you need to carry on precious food souvenirs on the plane.
  3. This book on food photography through the ages looks like something I’d want on our coffee table.

Lately on I am a Food Blog:

  1. Mike does ALL the french fry experiments.
  2. Tater tots for life.
  3. Pizza toast brings me right back to being 7 again.
  4. Date night in with charcuterie and cheese.
  5. Cheesy baked spaghetti > regular spaghetti.

Have a high-quality weekend friends! ;)
xoxo steph


  1. Lisa Hazlett says:

    Love the banner photo at the top of the page! You’ve perfectly captured our beautiful province :) (assuming that’s a BC photo!).

  2. Note says:

    The white Skittles thing…WTF?!?! The Mars company tries to show their support for the LGBT community and get roasted for being racist? You just can’t win these days.

  3. Nicole De Stefano says:

    Oh, hey, I’ve had that camping stove on my wishlist on Pinterest forever! If you end up getting it, I hope you write a post about it – it looks like such a cool little device!

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